3 Clothing Style Rules Everyone Should Know

Following certain apparel guidelines can help you look your best every day. The key to dressing yourself is to wear what you look and feel most confident in, but there are also certain clothing style rules everyone should know. Let’s dive in!

Dress for Your Shape

When it comes to your wardrobe, avoid mindlessly following trends. Instead, focus on items that look best on your specific body shape. Don’t worry if you haven’t figured out the perfect formula yet; it takes some trial and error. By trying on different garment styles, you’ll discover you look best in A-line silhouettes, tops with full-length sleeves, miniskirts to showcase your long legs, or whatever your case may be.

Once you’ve found how to accentuate and flatter your body shape in clothing, your confidence will immediately radiate. Plus, you will streamline your clothes shopping trips because you’ll be able to quickly identify shapes that will and won’t work before trying them on. Once you have a basic formula for the pieces that look best on you, you can have fun mixing and matching items to reflect your individual style.

Use Accessories to Your Advantage

Accessories can essentially make or break an outfit, so don’t treat them as an afterthought. Instead, think of them as the perfect finishing touch. Plus, accessories such as jewelry, scarves, and belts can help you participate in trends without completely revamping your wardrobe. You can invest in trendier accessories and incorporate them into a more timeless outfit.

When you pair unique accessories with basic clothing, the accessories instantly become the star of the show. Experiment with a simple T-shirt and a pair of statement earrings or a neutral outfit with a bold-colored handbag. If you choose your accessories wisely, you can instantly bring any outfit to life.

Tailor Your Clothing

Another clothing style rule everyone should know is to capitalize on the power of expert tailoring. Not every piece of clothing will fit you perfectly off the rack—in fact, few will. After all, we all have unique body shapes and sizes. Therefore, the best investment you can make in your wardrobe is finding a tailor and altering your clothes for the perfect—not just good—fit.

Although tailoring costs money and requires time, the payoff is certainly worthwhile. For instance, if you’re petite and always have trouble with your jeans dragging on the floor, a simple hem will work wonders. An inexpensive pair of pants suddenly looks designer with an expert fit. Don’t be afraid to invest in a few key pieces, tailor them to perfection, and consider the resulting pieces your capsule wardrobe. Then, you can have fun mixing and matching your foundational pieces to create outfit combinations you love.

At Tees2UrDoor, we offer a wide variety of high-quality clothing items and accessories perfect for all your needs. Our fun designs will make you stand out no matter where you’re headed. Check out our selection of cute baseball shirts to show off your style and personality. Let us help you find your new favorite shirt design today!