9 Simple Tips for Overhauling Your Closet

Do you ever find yourself staring into a closet of clothes and feeling overwhelmed or underwhelmed? Are your infrequently used items taking up valuable prime real estate while some beloved pieces are in the back?

Streamlining your wardrobe is essential for creating an organized and functional space. Follow these simple tips for overhauling your closet, and get ready to revamp your wardrobe!

Start by Assessing Your Current Closet Space

The first step in any closet makeover is assessing your closet space. Measure the length and width of the space, and determine what type of clothing you wish to store in it. If you’re looking for a place to hang dresses or suits, ensure there’s room for long garment rods. If you have a lot of shoes, look into installing cubbies and shelves for easy storage.

Sort Through Your Clothes

The next step is to sort through your clothes and decide what should stay and what should go. Make sure any items you keep are in good condition—if they’re stained or torn, it’s time to let them go. You can donate any unwanted pieces to local charities or thrift stores.

Invest in Some Useful Storage Solutions

Investing in some useful storage solutions can help you make the most of your closet space. A hanging shoe rack or over-the-door organizer is a great way to store shoes and accessories. Consider buying clear plastic boxes with lids for out-of-season clothing so that these items don’t take up space in your closet.

Color Coordinate Items

Color-coordinating is a great way to organize your closet and make finding what you’re looking for easy. Start by separating your shirts, pants, skirts, and dresses into piles by color. Then, hang each item on its hanger using the same color-coding system. This system will make it much easier to quickly grab what you need in the morning.

Use Stackable Shoe Racks

If you have a lot of shoes, using stackable shoe racks can help you keep them organized and easy to access. These racks can fit in your closet, and you can stack them on top of each other for maximum storage capacity. When buying shoe racks, choose ones that match the size and style of your closet.

Add a Full-Length Mirror

Adding a full-length mirror to your closet can be useful when getting dressed in the morning. It will allow you to check out how an outfit looks before heading out and make the space feel bigger and brighter. Try to find a mirror that matches the style of your closet.

Go Green With Eco-Friendly Clothing Brands

If you’re looking to upgrade your wardrobe, going green with eco-friendly clothing brands is a great way to do it. Look for labels that list sustainable materials and ethical production processes. You’ll find fashion-forward pieces that are stylish and kind to the environment.

Shop Mindfully

When shopping for new items, practice mindful shopping and ask yourself, “Do I need this?” Rather than buying something just because it’s trendy or on sale, consider whether it fits your style and how often you’ll wear it. This way, you won’t have a closet full of clothes you never wear.

Enlist the Help of a Professional Organizer

If you’re truly overwhelmed or don’t know where to start, enlisting the help of a professional organizer can be a great way to get your closet in order. A professional can assess your space and determine the best solutions. They’ll also be able to provide you with helpful tips and tricks for keeping your closet organized in the future.

Things To Avoid When Overhauling Your Closet

There are a few things to avoid when overhauling your closet. Let’s look at a few things you shouldn’t do.

Don’t Buy Everything New

One of the biggest mistakes people make is running to the store to buy new clothes. While getting a fresh start is tempting, it’s important to remember that the goal is to downsize and simplify. Also, the fashion industry is wasteful and polluting. Thus, strive to repurpose your existing items and only buy essential items that complement your new wardrobe.

Don’t Hold On to Sentimental Pieces

Overhauling your closet means letting go of things that no longer serve you. This overhaul includes items with sentimental value that don’t fit anymore. While holding onto memories is understandable, you don’t want your closet to become a museum. You can always take a photo or make a scrapbook, which is more meaningful than stuffing clothes that you never wear in your closet.

Don’t Start Without a Plan

Before you start decluttering, create a plan of action. Decide when you will tackle each step, what type of clothing items you will keep and which ones you will donate or discard, and how you will store any out-of-season items. This plan will make the whole process smoother and more efficient.

Don’t Throw Out—Donate or Sell

As you sort through your clothes, consider donating or selling any items still in good condition. Donating to a local charity is a great way to give back and help those in need. You can also try selling the items online or at a consignment store if you’d like to make some extra money.

Don’t Overlook Accessories

People often overlook accessories during closet makeovers, but they can be a great way to freshen up your look. Consider investing in statement pieces that instantly add flair to any outfit. Don’t forget about scarves, hats, and jewelry as well.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when completely reorganizing your closet, but these nine simple tips will help you take control of your wardrobe and create an efficient, stylish space. Start by removing anything you haven’t worn in a while, and invest in helpful organizational tools to store the items that do make the cut.

From there, enjoy experimenting with different pieces, colors, patterns, and silhouettes until you find the best look. Before you know it, you won’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated with what’s hanging in your closet!

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9 Simple Tips for Overhauling Your Closet